Eastern Times - Issue 2 Summer 2023

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This edition starts with the elegant ‘R’ (D20) class 4-4-0 designed by Wilson Wordsell of the North Eastern Railway, the class giving service for over 50 years. This is followed by one man’s tale of how steam lingered on well after official withdrawal dates on his local line. Next is a signalman’s recollection of his working life at Broxbourne Junction in the late 70s and early 80s accompanied by excellent photographs of the trains he controlled. This is followed by Charlie, ‘The Last Shunting Horse’ who was the last of his kind to work on the railways, appropriately at Newmarket. Then a feature on how the LNER were a large part of the modernisation of the transport system needed in an ever expanding London before and after the Second World War. HC Casserley’s work is showcased in trip he made in 1954, there are so many photos that we have had to split this article in two with the conclusion to appear in issue 3. Lastly, a pictorial feature of West Hartlepool followed by a trip on ‘The Edinburgh Fast’.
More Information
Stock Code TTP57.0
Author Robertson KJ
ISBN13 9781913251574
Format Softback
Height(mm) 273
Width(mm) 215
Page Count 80
Pictures 90
Publication Date 24 Sep 2023
Publication Status Available
Record last updated 21/11/2023